Thursday, December 26, 2013

Merry Christmas...Warning Picture Overload!!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from my lovely home to yours! May you be blessed, healthy, and happy in the upcoming new year!

Yes, we are wearing somewhat matching outfits for the first Christmas family party! I can foresee us matching our everyday clothes on the daily :) just kidding his outfit (work) is pretty dull.

This time of year is wonderful. I love spending time with my family and friends. It makes me grateful for what and who I have in my life. 
Rae & Cade Man (I need to figure out how to make more pics have snowy features.)

Saira and Chris doing their family picture right

Mom and Dad somewhat cooperating

Reason 6498473 I love this girl!

Meme and Poppie

Rae & I cuddling to keep warm while we wait for our Tanya Christmas moment

First Christmas as a married couple


Jimmy & Lindsay

Two beautiful nieces

My nana and mom at the nursing home dancing to some Christmas carols :)

Meme loves her animals

Rae always cooperates

Cade loves pictures

Meme and I 

I love wrapping paper

Nana & Poppie I can help

Cheese Owen

Opening gifts :)

Grandma Hilbert

Liz & I 

A few minutes of down time

This Christmas has been tough. Being strong and not thinking (too much) about my sister being gone.... It's just weird! I'm sure one day it won't be weird, full of sorrow, and mixed feelings of being happy when I shouldn't be but for now it is.  I love and miss her every day. Some days are better than others and I'm grateful to have a wonderful husband & family to love me through this time.

Dad and Travis sending off a Merry Christmas to Tanya
Merry Christmas Tanya 

My goal for this month was to complete 500 miles. Well that hasn't happened yet... and I'm not giving up yet. But if I don't make it... I'm good with it because other things, like family, needed me more. I'm sure to surpass that goal by the end of the first week in January! 

As this year comes to an end, I can count a lot of good, major loving events that happened to me (like getting married, moving closer to home, getting a new job) and some upsetting events (losing my sister, finding out my grandma has stage 4 lung cancer ) I'm looking forward to a new year filled with more love, happiness, and health.

1. Is there anything you wish to redo from this year?

2. Matching outfits or forget it?

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Busy, Busy Weekend and Week

For all the teachers out there and who are lucky enough to be done this Friday, hell yes there is only three days left!!!!!

Let's face it the month of December goes a little something like this for teachers. It's pure hell before any break.

I have high hopes to accomplish a little work such as plan out the next few novels and writing assignments but I think/know nothing will happen. 

Moving on... 

My husband surprised me with an early Christmas gift.

Seriously, I have the best husband ever. He is so thoughtful :)

I can't wait for him to open his gifts and spend our first Christmas together as hubby and wifey :)

My sisters and I ran last Saturday in the middle of a elfin' blizzard (keeping in the holiday spirit). It might be a new tradition. 

The weekend was packed with kid fun! Baby Lily is now a big one year old. She sure loved cake and all her family and friends there to celebrate with her.

Cutest cake ever :)
Why haven't I had this before mom??

My nieces and nephews sure now how to have a good time when I'm home. 
This picture was not planned..Cade was wanting help.

Typical Reagan! Mila is in shock as what is happening in her house that night.
What's up? I'm the normal niece in this bunch ;)
Can't wait til Christmas break!

Do you decorate your Christmas tree like a department store or do you love special ornaments that tell a story???

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Turn Around Tuesday

Well thank goodness Monday is over. My lack of blogging pretty much sums up my Monday!

With the cold weather, still have the annoying chest cold, coming back from my first winter race, and returning back to work! I'm blahhhh... But today is Tuesday and I'm hopefully! I digress.

Race Recap

The Clint Pulitzer Memorial 5K

FREEZING! Even with the proper gear I was cold  and sweaty. It was a whopping 21 degrees.The first quarter mile I was flying. The trail was coated nicely with fresh snow. After that it went downhill fast. I run the trail often so I wasn't expecting any surprises in my home turf. Except ice! Yea I didn't realize it was going to make an appearance. I spent the next half mile trying to slow my pace enough to not break a leg. My feet were slipping with every step. My runner partner caught up to me during this icy mess with her cleats (need those) and I told her to run on. She was prepared and there was no reason to hold her back.

I manage to not bite it until the turn around point, where I had to run around a miniature Christmas tree. The volunteers told me to slow down as I was going around it.Okay I did BUT I guess I should have walked around it because I slipped and some dude caught me. Side note: you would have thought we planned that wonderful catch routine. I'm not going to lie I wasn't expecting more icy patches, even with the last mile slipping all over the place, how icy the turn around spot was. I shrieked and probably peed my pants a bit as I saw one leg meet my chin. Seriously thanks college football dude for the catch. After that wonderful mishap my chest wanted to burst into a coughing fit, which is not good when it is slippery out. So I did the smartest thing I have every done in a race and stopped trying to run on the sheet of ice and walk it out til I thought it was safe again and cough like a laughing hyena from one of those Disney movies.

Walking at any point in a race is discouraging. My legs were great, my lungs were as good as it gets with a cold, my attitude was great, my running partner was awesome support, but path in front of me started out wonderful but not ending so great. Side note 2: I walked about the distance between two telephone poles twice during the end of the race. I knew I wasn't doing so bad on time because I could vaguely see my running partner's green coat ahead. It was faint green by the end.. So when I had the time to run I ran hard and ran on pace during the not so slippery part. At this point I just wanted to finish without hurting myself because the half in May is my focus. Another point in the race I used my head. As I approached the last quarter of mile that was the beginning of the race with perfect conditions and saw the time clock. WTF!!!! was the first thing that crossed my mind because the clock just turned 28 minutes. I thought for sure the crash and burn, two walk breaks, and slowing my pace was putting me in the 35 minute bracket. Total shocker to finish in 28 minutes and 30 seconds.

My running partner ended in 26.30! Knowing she did well we decided to go to the awards ceremony just in case she placed and well they serve beer. Priorities people it was a COLD race and well deserved. As we were watching the ceremony. I heard my name...
Sums up my face with a few comments

Seriously wasn't expecting to place in this race that I WALKED and fell (that's a normal thing for me) let alone 3rd place in my age group. My partner in crime took third in her age group too. Super shocked!

Braving the cold and pumped
At the start

GO!!! The best part of the race... start/finish line

Look at how bad my footing is, slipping as we speak.

Dear God there is the end!

My face five minutes after I received the award....stunned!

The only pic with my eyes half way open.
***Thanks honey for taking photos...still trying to figure out the camera.

I'm sore all over. The ice had me erratically running around to catch myself from falling down. My core is painful. I'm pretty sure I strained my ankle. Resting definitely happened yesterday and today. That has never happened to me before in a 5K! Usually, I bounce right back after a 5K even when I raced hard.

Things I know for the next winter race:

1. Buy these.

2.Don't be a fool when it comes to icy, it's no joke and it will kick your ass every time

3. Hydrate like a mother. I didn't do this on Sunday and I paid for it all night Sunday and Monday,

4. Pace yourself and be patient, eye on the prize (half)

Workout Plan:
1. Rest
2. Finish the week with 8 min Abs and squats
3. Body pump (depending on ankle)

Month of December Goals:
1. 8 min Abs every day
2. Body pump class once a week if not twice
3.  Reach 500 miles

1. What advice do you have for racing in the winter?
2. Do you make monthly goals?

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Awkward Moment of the Day & I'm Back

I left work today with my eye on getting to the gym before I could rationalize not going and to rest.

Yeah, a sweet reunion. 

It was a success! I did a slooooowwwww 2 (10 min) miles with little problems breathing and not hacking up my lung. I felt myself want more speed and miles but it's about pacing myself and not continuing the cycle of chest cold. So maybe I will be alright for this upcoming race in the COLD!!!

I'm scared of the cold :(

Seriously I will be stalking the weather until Sunday. I'm slightly nervous that I will suck because it will be super cold and I'm just coming out of my ridiculous chest cold that took a week of my workouts! Runner problems :( 

Which brings me to the awkward moment of my day. 

I was in the locker room... Which is never a good start to any story. Any way!

I was in the locker room with other people, who I don't know, changing like usual. When this lady walks in looking like she has had a horrific workout. I felt sorry and proud of her for kicking her own ass. Until she decides to get butt naked in front everyone in the locker room. We are talking butt naked in 5.6 seconds without one second of embarrassment. She just ripped her clothes off while the rest of us scramble to avert our eyes to some place for a not so personal view, like she is facing the rest of us kinda view, of this stranger. As I scrambled around trying to not stare, she decides to walk around naked to go jump on the scale and ponder her poundage for what seemed like a long time. It was probably like 2 minutes but too long for me apparently. I get it, I know we have all been there, probably in our own homes, weighted ourselves naked but WTH. How about a heads up or a towel??

Now, I'm definitely not a prude but I was a little embarrassed and the thought "OMFG followed by shit I wish I had an ounce of her confidence" crossed my mind.  Followed by a grin trying to bust out to a giggle on how ridiculously uncomfortable this scenario made me. This isn't something I see on a daily basis or more like I never seek it out. I have only witnessed this once before in Argentina and those ladies were CONFIDENT. Chatting it up topless with their friends putting on their makeup kind of confidence. I wrote it off as a cultural thing and never thought about it again. Until today, which made me question what are the social graces for the locker room. Had the lady just striped down and thrown a towel over herself got the same reaction as her strutting her naked ass around the locker room? Probably not. 

When I  change my clothes in a locker room, I lay my shit out in an orderly way so there is minimal down time of my ass being out there for everyone to see. And I go old school and slip that sports bra over my other bra and unfasten that after I'm covered. Slip that shirt on before anyone has time to remember what color my sports bra is. I'm in and out of the locker room in 2 minutes flat. I've never thought about my locker room routine, let alone another person.

So my question to you all, is there locker room etiquette (unsaid rules)? 


Tomorrow is Hump DAY!!! Super excited for the weekend already.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Back to the Real World Tomorrow :(

First of all, yay for it being December! One of my favorite times of the year. Now if my cold would go away that would be great.

In fact I'm so pissed about the cold ruining my holiday break and weeks before it I went to urgent care today. The on call doctor was awesome. She quickly diagnosed us and gave us our meds. I love the fact that we have the option to pay $10 to get our meds at the doctor instead of going to the pharmacy especially during this time of year. No waiting.

I'll admit I should have went earlier but I'm stubborn and think I can just miraculously get better on my own. The cold has ruined my workouts for the last three weeks either making me slow, too tired to complete a longer run, and last week nothing happened. Boooo!

It wasn't all bad though.

My love and I made homemade pasta. I mean he did I boiled the water and watched it float to the top so I could scoop it out.

Making Gnocchi

I'm a lucky girl

Our first Hilbert Christmas tree hunt. It was perfect day minus the cold we were both suffering from. It was snowing :) We found the most perfect Christmas tree and it was my husband's first time cutting one down. E.V.E.R.
I'm loving the atmosphere 

I found one!!!

Husband thinks its cool to throw snowballs at his sickly wife

We agree!

It's a miracle!!!

Our Tree

My lovely husband taking on his opponent.

Capturing the first cut.

Action shot. I helped push it over


I helped drag the tree after this picture.

Final Product

We said goodbye to a great man, my husband's uncle, who lost his battle to cancer. 

Went to my first NBA game! My husband gave me strict instructions to not get us into any fights. Like I would do that with a complete stranger :) Cheering for the Chicago Bulls in Cleveland was risky enough. Any trip to Cleveland revolves around going to Melt! The best sandwich/bar place ever!
I wish you were closer.

When waiting for a table they give you a name drawn from a pumpkin to go by. Smart idea,

Love all the deco in this place. Of course my iPhone can only take such good pics. the others are crap.

Yum. Backyard Pulled Chicken keeping track of my calories that day

Before the game :)

End of the game can you see the confetti :)

We had great seats.

Cavs mascot

After the game trying to get a background shot with the iPhone

Final score

Bulls lost but we still had a good time

Walked around the city...mostly because we needed to find the car. I knew we parked on chesnut turns out it was between Walnut St. and Chester St. I was close!

Yeah Christmas lite buildings

Ice sculptures

The Christmas Story Lamp
Back to work tomorrow. I am not too excited for this. I feel like I need another day off, even though I have not done anything productive and limited my activity to one thing a day. Boo! 

My "Ideal" Workout for this week:

Monday- rest
Tuesday- 2 miles (let's see if my lungs can take it)
Wednesday- Body Pump
Thursday- 3 miles 
Friday- 4 miles
Saturday- off
Sunday 5K race (predicted to be 25 degrees outside...yikes!)

Anyone else feeling the back to work blues?

Do you work out when you are sick?