Friday, May 31, 2013

Friday Motivation

Happy, Happy FRIDAY!!!

I have a confession.
I have a love-hate relationship with morning workouts.

Welcome to the hate side:
1. My biggest complaint is getting up and moving. I have a bazillion alarms (Toby loves every single one of them that goes off). I have a lot to remind me exactly where I am in getting around as well as getting in a 2 miler on any given morning.

2. It takes me a while to finish getting around. I need to cool down before jumping in the shower.  I know……High maintenance!

3. I get paranoid if I don’t think I’ll have enough time to get around after the run. I carpool and I definitely don’t want to be the reason we are late (usually I am).

The love side:
1. I enjoy the calmness of the day.

2. The temperature is awesome. It’s been about 90 everyday this week so it’s really important for me to get up and get the run in.

3. I’m awake and ready for the day more than any cup of coffee could give me.

4. I enjoy coming home after work and relaxing and hanging out with my loves. Plus there is a lot of randomness and invites to go for happy hour…I hate turning those fun times down!
Gus likes to hang too…

5. Secretly I like working out in the morning….my hate side just hasn't accepted it yet J

Tips and Motivation to Working out in the AM:
1. Laying your clothes and shoes out the night before. I tend to leave everything next to me so I can see it when I go to hit the snooze button.

2. Multiple alarms or move your alarm away from the bed.

3.Once it’s done, it’s done for the day so your evening is freeeeeeeee….say it over and over again.

4.Work out buddy! Toby just started working out in the morning. He does something completely different than me but he is getting out of bed at the same time. Awesome for me because I won’t want to stay in bed with him… <3 <3

5.Crazy but after a week it becomes a habit to me!

6. Commit to a short workout. I always have enough time for 2 miles or a 20 min workout no matter what time my alarm goes off before 6:40. The earlier I get up the more time I have.

7. I have slept in clean workout clothes before, so it’s even easier than laying out stuff the night before. No excuse.

8.Inspirational quotes.

9.Knowing there are other people out there with a lot more going on than I do and they still find the time to get out of bed. (Biggest push for me)

10. Alone time! I need some me time to think about the day’s events , stressful or problematic situations, plan, and be happy J


What motivates you for morning workouts?
Favorite part of the day?


  1. There are definitely more pros to your list than stick with it! I LOVE morning workouts! I do morning workouts 5 out of my 6 workouts a week. It's super nice getting them over with for the day.

    All of your alarms cracked me up. :)

    1. Thanks! Hopefully it will be habit soon. Toby loves when I'm in the shower and I forget to turn off the alarm closes to the time it actually is (it forces him out of bed) haha...
