Friday, May 31, 2013

Friday Motivation

Happy, Happy FRIDAY!!!

I have a confession.
I have a love-hate relationship with morning workouts.

Welcome to the hate side:
1. My biggest complaint is getting up and moving. I have a bazillion alarms (Toby loves every single one of them that goes off). I have a lot to remind me exactly where I am in getting around as well as getting in a 2 miler on any given morning.

2. It takes me a while to finish getting around. I need to cool down before jumping in the shower.  I know……High maintenance!

3. I get paranoid if I don’t think I’ll have enough time to get around after the run. I carpool and I definitely don’t want to be the reason we are late (usually I am).

The love side:
1. I enjoy the calmness of the day.

2. The temperature is awesome. It’s been about 90 everyday this week so it’s really important for me to get up and get the run in.

3. I’m awake and ready for the day more than any cup of coffee could give me.

4. I enjoy coming home after work and relaxing and hanging out with my loves. Plus there is a lot of randomness and invites to go for happy hour…I hate turning those fun times down!
Gus likes to hang too…

5. Secretly I like working out in the morning….my hate side just hasn't accepted it yet J

Tips and Motivation to Working out in the AM:
1. Laying your clothes and shoes out the night before. I tend to leave everything next to me so I can see it when I go to hit the snooze button.

2. Multiple alarms or move your alarm away from the bed.

3.Once it’s done, it’s done for the day so your evening is freeeeeeeee….say it over and over again.

4.Work out buddy! Toby just started working out in the morning. He does something completely different than me but he is getting out of bed at the same time. Awesome for me because I won’t want to stay in bed with him… <3 <3

5.Crazy but after a week it becomes a habit to me!

6. Commit to a short workout. I always have enough time for 2 miles or a 20 min workout no matter what time my alarm goes off before 6:40. The earlier I get up the more time I have.

7. I have slept in clean workout clothes before, so it’s even easier than laying out stuff the night before. No excuse.

8.Inspirational quotes.

9.Knowing there are other people out there with a lot more going on than I do and they still find the time to get out of bed. (Biggest push for me)

10. Alone time! I need some me time to think about the day’s events , stressful or problematic situations, plan, and be happy J


What motivates you for morning workouts?
Favorite part of the day?

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

What I'm Loving this week

It's my Monday! Yea for holiday weekends! Hope you are off to a great start!

What I'm Loving today!

1.) As many of you may have read yesterday my husband stopped into catch you up to date on our crazy lives, we have started Advocare's 24 Day Challenge.
We are on Day 5 of 24 and feeling awesome!!! Toby has lost 5 lbs. and I refuse to weigh myself until day ten I would rather be surprised big time.

Reasons for loving Advocare:
1. Spark- Seriously I don't know how I ever lived without this before. I L-O-V-E coffee and yes I do miss it's yummy-ness but I feel awesome without it. Spark doesn't make my stomach hurt and everything makes my stomach hurt (more than 2 cups of coffee make my stomach twist in pain). I have a ton of energy and I can F-O-C-U-S.

2. Herbal Cleanse- Yes I was afraid of this stage but I'm actually loving it! I am waking up refreshed and ready to go. This probably sounds crazy but I feel lighter too.

3. My skin has cleared up and who doesn't love that!

2.) The weather is awesome in Cape Charles, VA. Nice sunset from this weekend!

3.) Morning runs...say WHAT???? Yes I have come to love them... It's still new and I do not want to jinx myself on this. I plan on writing a post about morning workouts soon especially what inspires me to get out of bed and on the road.

4.) Time with the hubster :) Even though he is injured I enjoy coming home from work every night knowing we can hang out. The new job will allow us to be on the same shift which is awesome!!!!

5.) Short work week :) As the high schoolers are taking their state assessments (I'm an examiner almost everyday) I spend a lot of time staring at them in complete silence waiting for them to get down. Downside of testing, students are C.R.A.Z.Y after they are finished and I start counting down the minutes to 3:30.


1. What are you loving this week?

Monday, May 27, 2013


Toby here!

In the battle of Man & Wife vs. Life,  Life is trying to bring the pain by giving us a very eventful week with a lot of ups and down.  The week started off with a doctors appointment for yours truly and I was informed I had shin splints or a stress fracture!  Not exactly how I wanted to start off my week but I didn't have much choice and telling my boss........ well lets just say it got a little vulgar and inappropriate, by my boss, for the ears of anyone that's not a sailor or a foundry worker lol! 

Boring!!!! Spent the day on the couch being "crazy" as Danielle calls it on pain pills!  I try not to take Advil so this is a real wild ride for me with lots of naps!

Things started picking up in the Hilbert House,  Danielle left work early to take me in for an X-ray and to pick up CRUTCHES!  The Humanity!  How am I supposed to work out on crutches? I was quite upset but I have figured out ways to get in some workouts and My loving wife is being quite helpful even though I know im driving her nuts.  I Love You Babe.

The best day of the week hands down!  First and foremost we received our 24 day challenge from Advocare!  Anyone who doesn't know and wants to know all about the great products just let Danielle or I know in the comments section and we can tell you all about it. We plan on giving updates and sharing our personal stories in the upcoming weeks! Day 10 cleanse update on June 2nd.

But the best part of this day was I finally got offered the job I really wanted back home and its going to make life amazing!

Now I don't know about you but when I read 10 day cleanse I get a little scared thinking about how acquainted I am going to become with the bathroom.  So I went and picked up a new book from the library and bought the expensive toilet paper and some baby wipes, preparing for the worst!  

Well let me tell you something this has been the best and least painful cleanse I have ever been associated with!  Danielle and I both feared the worst, especially when we realized that we could not have any COFFEE!! Just an energy drink called Spark, I had my doubts about this stuff getting me going but it does the trick! No disgusting after taste and I don't crash like after a red bull or rockstar and it is delicious.  No jitters and it is packed with   vitamins, minerals, and nutrients plus if your cheap like me its only a little over a buck a serving!  Try buying a 5 hour energy, cup of coffee, or any other energy drink on the market for that price and with the health benefits of Spark. I dare to say it is impossible and Advocare has the science to back it up. 


Happy Memorial Day Weekend!!!! We are extremely grateful for our Armed Services for keeping us safe! 

Found out my leg is broken and continued with the 24 day challenge and I have already lost 4 pounds in 4 days and I've spent 90% of my time sitting on the couch imagine what Advocare can do for you!  I was a little skeptical but after this I am a believer and wish I had done this a long time ago and with 2 good legs!

Check out Advocare products here:

How was your weekend?
What kinds of challenges have you done to get ready for the summer season?

Talk to You all Soon,

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Is it Friday yet?????

It’s been two weeks and 3 days since we have been married!!!!

Seriously, the best day of mine (our) lives! Another picture of us because I can’t help myself from showing the world our cuteness and awesome photographers’ skillz….

And of course we are challenged right off the gate with Toby having either a severely sprain shin/calf or he broke it. We won’t know anything until Friday when they decide to either 1.) take an x-ray (if it isn't doing any better by that time) 2.) determine it as a sprain. Oh the joys of being newly married and a time frame on paperwork to be covered under your insurance. Say hello love!

Of course that means no work for him and resting/icing the leg tons! Now let’s hope our wonderful dog will cooperate and not be a nuisance to his healing time… Look at that face it.

On the job front…Can we all say JUNE 18th! I am ready for school to be over with. My crazy, lovable, (the majority of them, some of them I’d give or take on any given day) and hormonal high school students need to be done for both their sanity and my own. We start SOL testing next week and I get the pleasure of being an examiner…seriously the worse job in the world… It’s not hard to fall asleep standing up….is it? This will be my life for the next two weeks and for about 4 hours a day
Keep going! Wake up! Focus!!!!
Something unexpected happened this morning…..

 I woke up at 6:00 hit snooze (not new) and then at 6:15 (new) I went for a R-U-N! I've been contemplating morning runs but fall short of doing it because I like sleep J

 It was a short run because I’m too OCD and need to make sure I look presentable for work and wanted to be on time (never happens I arrive 15 mins before the kids do) so I gave myself 16 minutes and accomplished 1.66 miles.

The run felt awesome! It was cooler and not as humid. I felt super awake and had a little me time without feeling guilty. I tend to feel guilty spending an hour working out when I know Toby can’t or is home and we could be hanging out. Weird, I know. But it’s me…
So, tomorrow I am going to try and get up on time and log at least 3 miles before work. I’ll finish out my workout this afternoon with some exercises from
Super useful site but I find it difficult to navigate. Anyone else feel that way??

Leave it in the Comment box:
1.      Leave some advice and/or motivation for getting out of bed and to the gym.
2.      What do you feel guilty about???

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Up and At 'Em

Danielle here!

Two hours later... 
Enough frustration with Toby not cooperating (the basketball game is too important) and we finally have a blog up!
He can thank me later for this lovely mojito

You're welcome!

For a Sunday we have been pretty busy not trying to injure Toby any more than he already is but we have accomplished quite a bit. Started with a Walmart trip accompanied by Toby riding in a motorized wheelchair. In true Toby nature he took out an aisle trying to look at sunglasses. I walked away from the crime scene. 
  My creative mind had to use the new basil plant and chicken I pulled out of the freezer and Toby's skills were utilized in making the delicious Chicken bruschetta wraps. To bad I didn't decide to take a picture before I ate mine! It was a masterpiece! It will be in the Rolodex of recipes for future meals. 

Of course no Sunday would be complete without picking up and doing laundry. 
We are ending this Sunday night with "The Dark Knight Rises" and a little QT with the d-o-g and husband.

Welcome to married life!