Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Five Things Teachers Love to Hear

Disclaimer: I love my job immensely but there are just a few things I love the most about it. Teachers are hard workers and don't get enough praise for what we do. Just ask any teacher after a data meeting :) With that being said I know some people suck at their job, there is always those people in any job...just remember that. Enjoy!

Five Things Teachers Love to Hear

1.) The problem child....To be honest I love problem children. The random stuff they say that puts a smirk and this lovely thought in your head,"You little shit that was funny and I know I shouldn't laugh." Watch me be an A-dult, "That's an inappropriate comment you could say..."  With that being said, it is a nice break when they are absent once in a while. 

 2.) 2-hour delay!!!! It's so much better than a snow day. You don't have to make the day up when the sun is shining. Also, some kids won't even bother showing up for school  too. Look at number one for explanation on the last comment. 

3.) Hour long meeting after school is cancelled!!! This doesn't need any explanation..'nough said.

4.) Lesson plans aren't due on Monday or you don't need to hand in formal lesson plans this week. SCORE! Any teacher will tell you, formal lesson plans are catered for districts to assess you on your effectiveness as a teacher and not useful in the classroom. Now, I don't mean you shouldn't plan because then you just suck at your job. Step by step lesson plans are a waste of time. Like I need to remind myself to pass out papers or scaffold my instruction.**End rant now or else write a dissertation on this topic.

5.) Winter/spring break is here!!! Both breaks are needed immensely for the mental and physical stabilities of your teacher! KEEP. YOUR. GERMS. HOME. See "your" is showing possession, you child own them, not me!

 As a teacher, I broke a golden rule and did not spell check and check for run-on sentences before publishing. It's my blog (I ramble..it's what I do) and I usually write the majority of my posts from my phone...so be nice :)

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