Thursday, January 9, 2014

Losing it!!

I'm not sure about you all but I'm definitely glad it is Thursday! It's been a long, cold week and quite frankly I'm ready to move on to the weekend to relax and recharge! Since my latest injury I have been somewhat  irritable and pissy because I WANT to run but I know I shouldn't because walking all day makes it sore. So my hubby poured me a glass of wine, made me a chicken wrap and handed me the remote while he went to the gym. You know since I can't run or go to a body pump class why bothering going to the gym at all...

No kidding Austin Powers! It was a temporary fix to a bad day! I feel better about my knee situation today since the ice, heat, elevated, and foam rolling helped work it out last night. I woke up feeling not soo sore...don't let me fool you by the end of the day it was sore again :( I just wanted to sit down.

Anyway time off is good and listening to your husband, oh wait I mean, mind/body is what is best for an injury!!! :):):) Who is killing it on the Couch to 5K training plan. I love how excited he gets after each run. It makes me smile. Mostly because I have already planned out every weekend long day run to do as a couple in my head along with explaining it to him with every minute detail. I'm a nerd I know. He loves it ;)

Thoughtful Thursday Motivational Quote:

Word!! I'm working on it! Only if my body would cooperate I would be on my way. I digress. I happen to like this quote a lot it makes me think about what I really want to accomplish in all aspects of my life. Sometimes I can get stuck on the negative like lately....Positive thoughts :) 

What gets you through a rough week?
Usually working out does but wine sure does help! :) In all seriousness my hubby is pretty awesome in letting me talk, talk, talk! Until I'm over what is bothering me.

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