Sunday, February 23, 2014

Cabin Fever at It's Finest

Happy St. Paddy's Day!!!

Seriously I cannot knock the cabin fever craziness... one reason why I've not written much lately.

It's a sad notion that I admit, I'm a Debbie Downer! In no way do I want to torture y'all with my black cloud...

Pity Party of one, we have your table next to no one gives a shit....Moving on.

I have still managed to get my arse to the gym and plan out our meals. I may be miserable but my budget and waist don't need to suffer :) I would like to say I have been extremely productive around the house by doing some heavy cleaning but that would be a lie. I manage to do my normal cleaning because I wouldn't want to exert too much effort...yes we still have a pile of crap in the corner of our dining room that still hasn't moved out to the garage since we moved in. Now I would love to say that my body pump classes have made me strong enough but not quite yet :-)

Toby and I celebrated St. Paddy's Day Saturday by running our first 5K together! He didn't train for it (too busy at work) and I am still injured... We managed to do a walk/run and pull off 40 mins. So I guess that's not bad but I'm not going to lie my IT pain was a killer! My poor knee was throbbing and then I started to feel a pain in my hip. I guess rest, stretching and the elliptical are going to be it for a while.... Any suggestions??

After the race we had breakfast and moved some furniture for the family. We didn't stick around for the parade or drinks I was freezing and in pain so we went home..lame sauce!

How was your holiday? 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Forecast # 4 & Beating Cabin Fever

I've said it numerous times this winter and I'm going to say it again... "I'm over winter!" I really do think it's been bad this year because I was spoiled and lived the beach life for the last two years. I had numerous days of sitting at the beach in 60 degree weather by now! I wasn't so moody and depressed (seasonal) either.

So this is how I have been entertaining myself while I'm shut in....
1. Planning vaca for the upcoming months
- concert? 
- camping?

2. Training for the half & stretching

3. Reading :)

4. House shopping- we are looking not quite buying....yet!

5. Crafting... Lack there off lately...I need a DIY project for this month.

6. Devising a plan for a small garden 

7. Visiting family and friends :) I can't wait for this weekend Court and Will will be here!!

8. Seriously spring's early but I don't want to do it during the nice weather.

9. Shopping for myself and hubby
He needs one in every color :)

Weekly Meal and Fitness Forecast: 
Monday-Roasted Chicken 
Run- 3 miles

Tuesday- Union dinner (whatever they feed me)

Wednesday- Tilapia & Rice
Run-3 miles

Thursday- Parent/Teacher Conference- Subs
Bodyvive Class

Friday-Toby's making Valentine's dinner :)
Run- 3 Miles

Saturday- Turkey Tacos
Run- 3 miles

Sunday- Leftovers/Eating out
Run- 4 miles

Half training is going great. I have been stretching every night even when I am not running. I'm excited to do this. The treadmill hasn't been so bad this week but I'm looking forward to the outside. I've made a promise to myself to not run in the snow, slush and/or ice to avoid injury. My goal for this week is to continue stretching and adding in 8 min abs too.

What are you looking forward to this week?

What goals do you have for yourself this week?

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Monday Meh...

I'm not sure if it's the Superbowl's fault (what happened during that game!!) or just getting back into the routine since I had a week off of work (cold days, 2 hr. delays, and grievance leave) that I feel BLAH. I could use a nap!

I was determined to get my run in today even though I had no motivation to do so. Seriously I want to be in bed by 9 tonight I'm totally okay with 830! Let me go put my hair in pink foam rollers, put on my long pink nightgown that has sleeves, with my matching nightcap ( I don't mean an alcohol beverage) & call me, grandma because I'm pretty sure that statement just illustrated a vision of pink slumber hotness.

Back to the run, it was rough and not fun! Knee pain is back on the other side! Need to stretch it out... Stupid IT band!!

How did you handle going back to work this week? I showed that treadmill who was boss when all I wanted to do was go to sleep!

What made you laugh once today?
Something that's hilarious but not really. I thought someone was joking with me about another snowstorm coming...I weather channeled it,turns out they weren't   joking and it's going to be a big one!! All I could do is laugh because I'm soooo over it!

Weekly Forecast # 3

Let's fire Groundhog Phil! He clearly doesn't fulfill his job requirements! 

Toby and I spent the morning watching HGTV and the Smurfs before hitting the gym for a bit.

Some of my homemade Valentine's decorations :)

Food and Fitness Line Up:

Monday- tilapia with rice
Tuesday- ravioli with red pepper cream sauce 
Wednesday- tilapia and couscous 
Thursday- Italian chicken and potatoes
Friday- pan seared crab cakes and rice
Saturday- chicken fried rice (healthy version) 
Sunday-roasted whole chicken

Fitness Plan: Half training begins!!!

Monday- 3 miles
Tuesday- 4 miles
Wednesday- rest 
Thursday- Bodyvive class
Friday- rest
Saturday- Bodypump
Sunday- 4 miles

I'm keeping strength training classes in the mix! I will stick to one class a week with the hopes of two a week.

What goals do you have this month? Bring on the classes!!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

What's New This Month?

After a devastating lost to our family this week, it's time for a hopefully, new beginning this month. 

What I'm looking forward to this month:

1.) Groundhog Day- please furry creature predict an early spring!!! 

2.) Valentine's day- I love all holidays and any time I get to decorate and spend time with the hubby is awesome :)

3.) My niece and nephew's birthdays! I love living closer so I can spend time with them! First time I will be around for their birthdays since the day they were born!

4.) Court will be visiting! Girlfriend and I need to have lots of walks and wine to catch up for the year of only telephone calls and no face to face time!

5.) A month focused on trying new things whether it be a fitness class, a new recipe, a crotching project and/or something new in the classroom, it's going to happen. 

What do you hope for this month?