Tuesday, May 28, 2013

What I'm Loving this week

It's my Monday! Yea for holiday weekends! Hope you are off to a great start!

What I'm Loving today!

1.) As many of you may have read yesterday my husband stopped into catch you up to date on our crazy lives, we have started Advocare's 24 Day Challenge.
We are on Day 5 of 24 and feeling awesome!!! Toby has lost 5 lbs. and I refuse to weigh myself until day ten I would rather be surprised big time.

Reasons for loving Advocare:
1. Spark- Seriously I don't know how I ever lived without this before. I L-O-V-E coffee and yes I do miss it's yummy-ness but I feel awesome without it. Spark doesn't make my stomach hurt and everything makes my stomach hurt (more than 2 cups of coffee make my stomach twist in pain). I have a ton of energy and I can F-O-C-U-S.

2. Herbal Cleanse- Yes I was afraid of this stage but I'm actually loving it! I am waking up refreshed and ready to go. This probably sounds crazy but I feel lighter too.

3. My skin has cleared up and who doesn't love that!

2.) The weather is awesome in Cape Charles, VA. Nice sunset from this weekend!

3.) Morning runs...say WHAT???? Yes I have come to love them... It's still new and I do not want to jinx myself on this. I plan on writing a post about morning workouts soon especially what inspires me to get out of bed and on the road.

4.) Time with the hubster :) Even though he is injured I enjoy coming home from work every night knowing we can hang out. The new job will allow us to be on the same shift which is awesome!!!!

5.) Short work week :) As the high schoolers are taking their state assessments (I'm an examiner almost everyday) I spend a lot of time staring at them in complete silence waiting for them to get down. Downside of testing, students are C.R.A.Z.Y after they are finished and I start counting down the minutes to 3:30.


1. What are you loving this week?


  1. Can't wait to hear what you lose after 10 days. :) My friend does Advocare and lost a ton of weight...she was overweight though. And my Mom did the challenge a couple months ago too. Good luck!

  2. Thanks Rae. I'm excited to find out too. I can't wait to see and know all at the end of the 24 days. I already feel lighter (not bloated) and have more energy.I'm not concerned with how much weight I lose as how toned I get :) Once we move back to Erie I'll be able to hit up some crossfit classes!

  3. It's about being strong, not skinny! :) I love being toned...which is why I love my strength training classes and boot camp classes. I weigh a little more than I did the last two years, but it's because I'm stronger and more toned. I'll take it! :)
