Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Hellloooo Again!!

It's been a hot minute since I have posted. I'm not going to lie... This is what we look like in case you forgot.


There is a ton going on in our lives right now and some things will always be more important then catching y'all up on our life (in time). 

I still manage to read a ton of blogs... hello lunch time activity when I should be working! 

Which brings me to my next topic.

Goals. Everyone has them. 

Lots of people post monthly goals they would like to accomplish every month. Sometimes I wonder how the hell they get through their long lists evey month. But what is the perfect number to have each month. And when is it too much?

 Personally, I'm a goal setter, check shit off my list kinda person but to have a ridiculous amount of goals each month seems really daunting and exhausting! I'm not trying to make people feel bad about the goals they set but when you have 10 or more (and one of those goals is to complete it weekly) when do you live life? Maybe you know something I don't but this nice weather week has proven I can't stick to a to do list when it's nice outside. I've been stuck in the tundra for months. The list can wait! The sun will not wait for me

My goals for April (hypocrite much?just read on):

1. Enjoy Easter with friends and family!

2. I cannot wait to celebrate my niece, Mila's first birthday!!

3. Start a final school count down days! Woohooooo!!! What's nice about that timeline weekends are included so the school days left is actually less!!

4. Still working out 3-4 times a week! I'm not in training so I don't feel it is necessary to push it since I'm still struggling with my IT ban issue! 

5. I'm not going to be an overachiever so I'm promising to blog at least once a week :-) for the remainder of the month!

6. Take a ton of pictures! Possible upload some too. Again, I don't want to over do it so we will see with the uploading part.  :-)

7. Enjoy whatever wonderful weather April brings Erie county this month!

8. Read a book for me and not for work.  

Doable list! 

How do you set goals?

Any good book recommendations?

Enjoy your hump day!!!

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