Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Wake Up Wednesday and Workout...

Workout Today:

This is the only reason I decided to move Gus off my legs and stop cuddling today.

I was suppose to do 4 miles of speed work today BUT my hip hurts a little bit so I gave it an extra rest day...sort of.

Bike: 5.35 miles
Chest and Arms Workout: 32 minutes with the Daily Burn Workout at Snap Fitness

What's on the Agenda:
1. Made some calls.
2. Pinteresting ideas for some dinner ideas for the hubby.
3. Relaxing
4. Sweating out the heat wave. Seriously I thought I left Virginia...I think the humidity followed me.
5. Starting a plank challenge tonight.

I'm Obsessed with:
1. The Stephanie Plum Series...easy read and hilarious at times. There are 16 books in the series.

2. Reminding myself of my running goals...weird! But I am constantly reminded.

Weird Moment of the Day:
1. Trying to take a picture of the Daily Burn video set up while not looking like a fool snapping a picture. To bad I missed the video...


1. What's your weird moment of the day?


  1. Awesome you're doing all those races! You do know that August is before September, right? ;) Haha! JK! I still haven't decided on the Hamot race. I'm doing the Biggest Loser 5K the day before. But I still might do it. I'm doing the Rock n Roll Cleveland Half Marathon on October 6. So I'm not running the Her Times for the first time since I started running. I may volunteer though. I will do the Turkey Trot. We'll see about the Snowflake. I did it once and that was it. Oh, and my friend from the Y and I did a month long Burpee challenge! It was hard and awesome! You should try it. :)

    1. Yea August, Smugust... I want to do the Rock n Roll Vegas Half Marathon next year! It's what I'm working up to. It's a night race down the strip! The Snowflake race is a possibility..I always get sick running in the cold and end up with bronchitis. Never fails. I have never done a burpee but I hear they are intense and worth it. I will have to try it.
